03 9786 1720

Educational Programs




We believe that young children learn best through play, therefore we create play based programs that encourage children to learn about the world. Our programs encompass the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia and the Victorian Early Years Learning Framework. We utilise the concepts in these documents to enhance learning for children and build foundations for future living and learning. We believe that young children learn best through play, therefore we create play based programs that encourage children to learn about the world.

We recognise the concepts Belonging, Being, Becoming, which encompass the ideas in the Frameworks:

  • play_heading_imgBELONGING

    We acknowledge that feelings of belonging are the basis for living a fulfilling life, therefore we aim to foster a sense of belonging within the preschool and connection with our community.

  • play_heading_imgBEING

    Is about living in the here and now. Children are very good at just ‘being’ in the moment…they need time and opportunities to do this often. Children learn
    best when they are able to explore their ideas and interests, this helps them
    make meaning of the world. Being is about recognising the importance of
    the present, valuing what’s happening now, not just focusing on prepara

  • play_heading_imgBECOMING

    Is about creating experiences and environments that enable children to grow and develop to their full potential, so they can become responsible and active participants in society

play_heading_imgEarly Years Learning & Development Outcomes

We promote (as per both framework documents):

  • IDENTITY – Children have a strong sense of identity

  • LEARNING – Children are confident and involved learners

  • COMMUNITY – Children are connected with & contribute to their world

  • COMMUNICATION -Children are effective communicators

  • WELLBEING – Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

play_heading_imgPractice Principles for Learning & Development

We employ in our work with the children (as per Victorian Framework):


  • 1. Family-centered practice
  • 2. Partnerships with professionals
  • 3. High expectations for every child


  • 4. Equity and diversity
  • 5. Respectful relationships & responsive engagement
  • 6. Integrated teaching & learning approaches
  • 7. Assessment for learning & development


  • 8. Reflective practice

The Kindergarten environment is thoughtfully created to provide a welcome, comfortable, and engaging place for learning. We aim to challenge children to explore and discover. The environment is organised to provide a variety of areas in which children can play and learn in different ways.

We view children as capable individuals and enable them to have a voice, have power, have control, make choices, and have ownership over their learning. We co-construct activities and learning with the children. We facilitate, encourage, provoke, collaborate, negotiate, and provide an appealing setting.

Each child and each group has individual strengths, interests and needs. The style of program and how the learning occurs may therefore differ between groups.

play_heading_imgChildren’s progress

Term 1 & Term 3 – Parent/Teacher interviews

We will offer these towards the end of term one and term three to formally discuss your child.

Ongoing – Written reflections and StoryPark

Educators will provide written reflections of your child’s engagement and progress online via StoryPark.

We are happy to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you may have at any time. Please see us to make a time so we can give you our full attention.

play_heading_imgSpecial Events

Special events are offered throughout the year to celebrate events that are important to our kindergarten community.

play_heading_imgExternal and Internal Community Visits

4 year old group

We usually have many external community visits over the year, often fortnightly, as part of our Community Connection Program which begins in term two. We also have 1-2 internal community visits each term as well as various special visitors over the year. External and Internal Community Visits are organised based on the children’s interests, therefore vary each year.

3 year old group

We may have 1-2 internal community visits over the year and may also have regular external community visits as part of our Community Connection Program, depending on group dynamics.

  • “My son enjoys the program immensely and has made lots of friends. I feel he will be well prepared for school next year.”

    Seahorse Parent

  • “My daughter adores her teachers and I believe they are the fundamentals to this great program. Overall a very happy parent and child..Thank you!”

    Jellyfish Parent

  • “My son has gained independence, new friendships and valuable life skills. He comes home happy and excited.”

    Periwinkle Parent